We are investigating a non-invasive technique to interact with computers through presentation of dynamic stimulus. Instead of implementing fixational eye movements, we are developing a novel method for spontaneous interaction based on smooth pursuit eye movements. During 2018, one of our conference papers has been accepted for presentation:

Herlina , S. Wibirama, I. Ardiyanto, “Similarity Measures of Object Selection in Interactive Applications based on Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements”, submitted in International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT 2018).

More about our research can be found in:

R. A. Warman, S. Wibirama, A. Bejo, “Performance Comparison of Signal Processing Filters on Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements,” in The 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE 2017), Yogyakarta 1-3 November 2017, pp. 111-115. (contact me if you want to see the pre-print version).