Dr. Sunu Wibirama has been awarded The Hitachi Research Fellowship 2016 for short term research activity in Japan during 10th – 25th January 2017. The research will be conducted in Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan with supervision from Professor Dr. Michiko Ohkura (Head of Ohkura Laboratory and Member of Science Council of Japan). Since 1986, The […]
“Effects of Morning-night Difference and Sleep Deprivation on Situation Awareness and Driving Performance” Authors: Titis WIJAYANTO, Sunu WIBIRAMA, Zakian Zakaria MARYOTO, Mumtaz Naufal WINADI, Muhammad BAHIT. Conference: IEEE IEEM 2016. “Contrast Enhancement Analysis to Detect Glaucoma Based on Texture Feature in Retinal Fundus Image” Authors: Gibran Satya NUGRAGA, Indah SOESANTI, Sunu WIBIRAMA. Conference: ICENIS 2016. […]
Five papers from our research group will be presented in upcoming three international conferences: “Feature Extraction for Lesion Margin Characteristic Classification from CT Scan Lungs Image” will be presented in ICITISEE 2016 (Yogyakarta, Indonesia). “Real-time Traffic Classification with Twitter Data Mining“, “Investigation of Visual Attention in Day Night Driving Simulator During Cybersickness Occurrence“, and “Light […]
A conference manuscript entitled “Estimating 3D gaze in physical environment: a geometric approach on consumer-level remote eye tracker” has been accepted for presentation in ICGIP 2016. Congratulations for all authors!
Congratulations for Mr. Syamsul Mujahidin, ConFAST 2016 conference proceeding has been published in AIP Scitation. More information : S. Mujahidin, S. Wibirama, H.A. Nugroho, K. Hamamoto, “3D gaze tracking in real world environment using orthographic projection,” Proceedings of The 2016 Conference on Fundamental and Applied Science for Advanced Technology, AIP Publishing Vol. 1746, 020072(1-6), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 25-26 […]
[Linkar SOCA Episode 9: Mengenal Eye Tracking: Teknologi dan Implementasi] Updated, youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-v_5e02Gk4 Diskusi FB Mata adalah salah satu nikmat pemberianNya yang tidak terkira.Dalam dunia ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, analisis gerakan mata bahkan dapat bermanfaat di berbagai bidang dari medis hingga human-interface. Salah satu aplikasi pemanfaatan mata di dunia ilmu komputer adalah “eye-tracking”. Linkar SOCA […]
Kuliah Umum dan Workshop : Mengintegrasikan Pendekatan Neurosains dalam Psikologi: Filosofi, Metode, Aplikasi 26 – 27 Mei 2016 Auditorium G-100, Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Lowongan riset (S-1/S-2) “Gaze-based Interaction for Public Display” Hi-res poster: http://bit.ly/gazethru We are looking for a talented DTETI student (S-1/S-2) who are keen to learn novel gaze-based interaction technique for public display. The project will be 8-10 months duration, intensively supervised by Dr. Sunu Wibirama in Signal Processing Laboratory (3rd floor, DTETI Bld.). More information: http://sunu.staff.ugm.ac.id/research/et-resources/ Main […]

Dear Rekan Mahasiswa, Banyak dari rekan-rekan mahasiswa yang mencoba mengontak saya melalui email, menanyakan availability saya untuk tema-tema penelitian yang akan mereka kerjakan. Beberapa datang dengan ide yang matang, tapi beberapa yang lain datang without ever thinking what they’re gonna do in the next few months alias datang dengan pertanyaan yang spontan, Mahasiswa : “Pak, […]
Dear students and colleagues, I will have a visiting research program in Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction, University of Tampere, Finland during 14 November – 15 December 2015. All academics communication, including thesis supervision, will be held electronically – please send me email to sunu{at}ugm.ac.id for discussion. I apologize for any inconvenience. Best regards, Sunu […]