Kuliah Umum dan Workshop :
Mengintegrasikan Pendekatan Neurosains dalam Psikologi:
Filosofi, Metode, Aplikasi
26 – 27 Mei 2016
Auditorium G-100, Fakultas Psikologi
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Eye Tracking & Intelligent User Experience
Kuliah Umum dan Workshop :
Mengintegrasikan Pendekatan Neurosains dalam Psikologi:
Filosofi, Metode, Aplikasi
26 – 27 Mei 2016
Auditorium G-100, Fakultas Psikologi
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Photogroup session with all participants from member institution and japanese supporting universities
Photogroup session with participants from ASEAN countries
Personal picture – visiting Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics
Promoting collaboration and research opportunity
Regional Conference on Computer and Information Engineering (RC-CIE) 2015 was conducted at Hanoi, capital of Vietname. The conference was hosted by Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) and Asean University Network / South East Asia Engineering Education Development Network to promote active research collaboration in Computer and Information Engineering field. The conference was held on 1 – 2 October 2015 at the Ta Quang Buu Library building, HUST. The program committee selected 29 research papers out of 52 invited research papers to be presented in front of delegations from member institutions and japanese supporting universities. The scientific meeting was closed with a concluded development program for 2016 and a fruitful farewell party.
Komplain nilai dilayani dengan baik. Namun perlu diingat, komplain nilai tanpa pertimbangan mendalam dan barang bukti yang mendukung argumen sama dengan membuang waktu. Sebelum melakukan komplain, pahami mekanisme komplain yang ada di bawah ini. Pengajuan komplain tanpa membaca mekanisme komplain pada halaman ini tidak akan dilayani.
Mekanisme komplain nilai ujian akhir semester (UAS) :
Dear students,
I will be unavailable in my office due to my research project in Japan during 3rd to 30th May 2015. All discussions can be done by email. I will be available in my office on 1st June 2015.
Thank you.
Bagi mahasiswa yang berminat, silahkan kontak Dr. Sunu Wibirama pada email: sunu{at}ugm.ac.id
Tema 1:
Pengembangan modul pengukuran atensi 3D berbasis Microsoft Kinect dan GazePoint Eye Tracker untuk perangkat lunak Open Gaze and Mouse Analysis (OGAMA).
Kata kunci: 3D gaze tracking, kinect for depth measurement, OGAMA
Tema 2:
Investigasi cybersickness pada driving simulator berbasis gelombang sinyal otak (EEG: Electro-enchepalography)
Kata kunci: cybersickness, visually induced motion sickness, virtual reality, driving simulator, EEG signal processing, Emotiv EEG, motion-sickness related brain area, driving cognition.
Referensi :
Dr. Sunu has written a short note about usability and eye tracking.
You can read his note in this page.
IEEE Indonesia Section held Indonesia Conference Leadership Program in Mercure Hotel Ancol, Jakarta, Indonesia on 5-6 November 2014. This conference was aimed to give basic knowledge of organizing international conference under IEEE standards. The presentation was given by Kevin Hanft and John Tracy of IEEE Meeting Conference and Events (IEEE MCE). Interesting materials, including how to perform effective conference marketing, selecting appropriate reviewer, and managing financial flow during the conference were presented briefly. The leadership conference was successfully closed with group picture and after-meeting free discussion.