[Latest update: January 6, 2023]
Our research interests span from developing an interactive user interface with eye tracking to using eye tracker as a diagnostic tool for various biomedical and usability issues. We are working on developing an intelligent touchless technology based on artificial intelligence and eye tracking sensor. This technology is promising for public health education and prevention of Covid-19.
:: Deep Learning in Gaze-Based Applications (2022 – current)

Our latest research interest has been implementing deep learning technology for various gaze-based applications such as:
- Spontaneous gaze-based interaction.
- Predicting cognitive style of online learners through visual attention.
- Visual saliency model for optimizing user experience of web.
We are working on a government-sponsored research project that explores possibilities of replacing old-fashioned eye movements classification methods with modern architectures of deep neural networks such as BiLSTM, Temporal Convolutional Networks, and so forth. We also have keen interest on optimizing deep neural networks architecture in gaze-based applications with various techniques such as pruning, hyperparameters optimization, knowledge distillation, and neural architecute search. Our focuses are not only performance of algorithm, but also minimizing carbon footprint of the developed technology. Our final goal will be developing robust gaze-based applications that are powered by eco-friendly deep learning technology.
:: Intelligent Touchless Technology for Smart Public Display (2018 – current)
- Intellectual Property Right (Hak Kekayaan Intelektual): coviDisplayPRO: Smart Public Display Based on Eye Movement Control for Education and Prevention of Covid-19. Number: EC00202111459, 16 February 2020.
- Intellectual Property Right (Hak Kekayaan Intelektual): coviDisplay: Front-End System for Interactive Public Display Based on Eye Tracking. Number: EC00202045876, 3 November 2020.
- Intellectual Property Right (Hak Kekayaan Intelektual): Gazethru: Digital Signage Interactive based on Eye Tracking. Number: EC00201976002, 14 October 2019.
- S. Wibirama, S. Murnani, I.D. Sukowati, R. Ferdiana, “Gaze-Controlled Digital Signage for Public Health Education during Covid-19 Pandemic”, in 2021 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT), August 3-5, 2021, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2021.
- S. Wibirama, S. Murnani, N.A. Setiawan, H. Nurlatifa, “A Survey of Event Detection Methods for Eye Movements Classification in Smooth-Pursuit-Based Interactive Applications”, in 2020 International Symposium on Community-centric Systems (CcS), September 23-26, 2020, Tokyo, Japan, 2020.
- S. Wibirama, S. Murnani, and N.A. Setiawan, “Spontaneous Gaze Gesture Interaction in the Presence of Noises and Various Types of Eye Movements”, in Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA ’20 Short Papers), June 2–5, 2020, Stuttgart, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages, 2020.
- I.D. Sukawati, S. Wibirama, N.A. Setiawan, M.K.M. Amin, “A Survey of Signal Processing Filters, Calibration, and Interactive Applications Based on Smooth Pursuit Eye Movement”, in 2019 5th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), 2019.
- S. Murnani, S. Wibirama, N.A. Setiawan, “Comparative Analysis of Signal Denoising Methods for Object Selection in Gaze-Based Interactive Applications”, in 2019 5th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), 2019.
- A. F. Ramadhani, D. Choiriyah, G. Nandiwardhana, S. Wibirama, I. Ardiyanto, “Development of Eye Tracking-based Interactive Digital Signage Systems,” Undergraduate Final Project, 2019.
- Herlina , S. Wibirama, I. Ardiyanto, “Similarity Measures of Object Selection in Interactive Applications based on Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements”, in International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT 2018), Yogyakarta 6-8 Maret 2018, pp. 638-643.
- Herlina, S. Wibirama, I. Ardiyanto, “Object Selection Algorithm for Spontaneous Gaze-Based Interaction”, presented in The 11th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Computer and Information Engineering, 2018.
- R. A. Warman, S. Wibirama, A. Bejo, “Performance Comparison of Signal Processing Filters on Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements,” in The 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE 2017), Yogyakarta 1-3 November 2017, pp. 111-115.
- Guides for students (please read before asking me for supervising your research)
- Are you interested to host an eye tracking / UX workshop?
- List of selected publications
- Tutorial of computer vision for early career students (old version)
Research Topics (in downloadable PDF file)
:: 3D Gaze Tracking in Virtual and Real Environment
- S. Wibirama, H.A. Nugroho, K. Hamamoto, “Evaluating 3D Gaze Tracking in Virtual Space: A Computer Graphics Approach,” Entertainment Computing, Vol. 21, June 2017, pp.11-17. (Publisher: Elsevier B.V. Netherlands, Q2 ScimagoJR). doi:
- S.Wibirama and K. Hamamoto, “3D Gaze Tracking on Stereoscopic Display using Optimized Geometric Method”, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information, and Systems, Vol. 134, No. 3, 2014, pp. 345-352. (Publisher: The Institute of Electrical Engineers Japan, Q3 ScimagoJR). doi:
- S. Wibirama, R. R. Mahesa, H.A. Nugroho, K. Hamamoto, “Estimating 3D gaze in physical environment: a geometric approach on consumer-level remote eye tracker,” Proc. SPIE 10225, Eighth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2016), Tokyo, Japan, 29-31 October 2016. pp. 102251H1-102251H6. doi:
- S. Mujahidin, S. Wibirama, H.A. Nugroho, K. Hamamoto, “3D gaze tracking in real world environment using orthographic projection,” Proceedings of The 2016 Conference on Fundamental and Applied Science for Advanced Technology, AIP Publishing Vol. 1746, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 25-26 January 2016, pp. 020072 (1-6). doi :
- S. Wibirama & K. Hamamoto, “Design and Implementation of Gaze Tracking Headgear for Nvidia 3D Vision®” in Proceeding of The 5th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering 2013 (ICITEE 2013), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 7-8 October 2013, pp. 84-87. doi: 10.1109/ICITEED.2013.6676216
- S. Wibirama & K. Hamamoto, “3D Gaze Tracking System for Nvidia 3D Vision®” in Proceeding of The 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Osaka, Japan, 3-7 July 2013, pp. 3194-3197. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610220
- S. Wibirama & K. Hamamoto, “Error Correction in Geometric Method of 3D Gaze Measurement using Singular Value Decomposition” in Proceeding of The 5th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium, Chiba, Japan, 25-26 October 2012, pp. 554-558.
:: Investigating cybersickness in stereoscopic environment using eye tracking
- S. Wibirama, H.A. Nugroho, K. Hamamoto, “Depth Gaze and ECG Based Frequency Dynamics during Motion Sickness in Stereoscopic 3D Movie”, Entertainment Computing, Vol. 28, 2018, pp.117-127. (Publisher: Elsevier B.V. Netherlands, Q2 ScimagoJR). doi:
- M. Bahit, S. Wibirama, H. A. Nugroho, T. Wijayanto, M. N.Winadi, “Investigation of Visual Attention in Day-Night Driving Simulator during Cybersickness Occurrence”, Proceedings of The 8th 2016 International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE 2016), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 5-6 Oktober 2016, pp. 213-216. doi:
- S. Wibirama, T. Wijayanto, H. A. Nugroho, M. Bahit, M. N. Winadi, “Quantifying visual attention and visually induced motion sickness during day-night driving and sleep deprivation,” in Proceedings of The 2015 International Conference on Data and Software Engineering, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 25-26 November 2015, pp. 191-194. doi:
:: 3D Video-Oculography: Eye movements analysis for vertigo diagnosis
- S. Wibirama, S. Tungjitkusolmun, and C. Pintavirooj , “Dual-Camera Acquisition for Accurate Measurement of Three-Dimensional Eye Movements,” Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol.8(3), 2013, pp. 238-246. (Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc. United States, Q3 Scimagojr). doi:
- T. Satriya, S. Wibirama, I. Ardiyanto, “Robust Pupil Tracking Algorithm based on Ellipse Fitting,” The 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices, Bandung, Indonesia, 29-30 November 2016, pp. 253-257. doi:
- S. Wibirama, S. Tungjitkusolmun, C. Pintavirooj, and K. Hamamoto, “Real Time Eye Tracking using Initial Centroid and Gradient Analysis,” in Proceeding of The 6th IEEE International Conference of Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications, and Information Technology (ECTI), ISBN:978-1-4244-3388-9. Pattaya, Thailand. 6-8 May 2009, pp. 1058-1061. doi: 10.1109/ECTICON.2009.5137226