Archives for Activities

To appear in 2019:

  1. S. Wibirama, P. I. Santosa, P. Widyarani, N. Brilianto, W. Hafidh, “Physical Discomfort and Eye Movements during Arbitrary and Optical Flow-Like Motions in Stereo 3D Contents”, Virtual Reality, 2019. (Publisher: Springer Verlag Germany, Q2 ScimagoJR, accepted for publication).
  2. S. Wibirama, I. Ardiyanto, T. Satriya, T.B. Adji, N. A. Setiawan, M. T. Setiawan, “An Improved Pupil Localization Technique for Real-Time Video-Oculography under Extreme Eyelid Occlusion”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2019 (Q1 ScimagoJR, accepted for publication).
  3. S. Wijayanti, B. A. Muktamar, S. Wibirama, A. Bejo, “A New Native Video Filtering based on OpenGL ES for Mobile Platform”, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2019. (Q2 ScimagoJR, accepted for publication).

Under review:

  1. H.Z. Azman, M. Kamal M.A., S. Wibirama, “Exploring The Subconscious Decision Making in Neuromarketing Research using Eye Tracking Technique”, submitted to Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019 (Q3 ScimagoJR, under review).
  2. N.H. Baharom, S. R. Aid, M. Kamal M.A., S. Wibirama, O. Mikami, “Exploring The Eye Tracking Data on Human Behaviour on Consumer Merchandise Product”, submitted to Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019 (Q3 ScimagoJR, under review). 
  3. N. Jayabalan, M. Kamal M.A., S. Wibirama, “Positive Emotion Recognition Through Eye Tracking Technology”, submitted to Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019 (Q3 ScimagoJR, under review). 
  4. S. Thiyagarajan, M. Kamal M.A., S. Wibirama, O. Mikami, “Applying Eye Tracking Device on The Gazing Behaviour and Its Effects on Emotions Attributes”, submitted to Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019 (Q3 ScimagoJR, under review).
  5. S. Thiyagarajan, S. N. Rosli, M. Kamal M.A, S. Wibirama, “Tracking The Eye-Mind Relationship of Positive Emotion using Eye Tracking Technique”, submitted to Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019 (Q3 ScimagoJR, under review).
  6. R. A. Pramunendar, S. Wibirama, P. I. Santosa, “A Robust Image Enhancement Technique for Underwater Fish Classification in Marine Environment”, submitted to International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems, 2019 (Q3 ScimagoJR, under review).

Following their acceptance, three journal articles will published under three different publishers. More detailed information on the DOI of the articles will be updated soon:

  1. S. Wibirama, P. I. Santosa, P. Widyarani, N. Brilianto, W. Hafidh, “Physical Discomfort and Eye Movements during Arbitrary and Optical Flow-Like Motions in Stereo 3D Contents”, Virtual Reality, 2019. (Accepted for publication, Publisher: Springer Verlag Germany, Q2 ScimagoJR, accepted for publication).
  2. S. Wibirama, I. Ardiyanto, T. Satriya, T.B. Adji, N. A. Setiawan, M. T. Setiawan, “An Improved Pupil Localization Technique for Real-Time Video-Oculography under Extreme Eyelid Occlusion”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2019 (Accepted for publication, Q1 ScimagoJR, accepted for publication).
  3. S. Wijayanti, B. A. Muktamar, S. Wibirama, A. Bejo, “A New Native Video Filtering based on OpenGL ES for Mobile Platform”, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2019. (Accepted for publication, Q2 ScimagoJR, accepted for publication).

Acara Tower TVRI pada hari Sabtu 8 Desember 2018 menghadirkan Dr. Sunu Wibirama (UGM), Dr. Muh Zulhan (UGM), Rosyid Shidiq Hidayatullah (BEM SI), dan host Ferry Anggara  mendiskusikan tentang perkembangan terkini teknologi informasi di Indonesia, utamanya penggunaan media sosial serta implikasinya ditinjau dari sisi teknologi, hukum, dan komunikasi. Teknologi informasi di sisi lain juga memberikan dampak yang positif apabila pengguna teknologi mendapatkan bekal pendidikan dan keterampilan yang cukup. Di era revolusi informasi saat ini, faktor modal (kapital) bukan lagi faktor utama yang menjadi latar berkembangnya perekonomian masyarakat. Dengan bantuan teknologi informasi, keunikan dan kreativitas yang dimiliki oleh mereka yang dapat memanfaatkan teknologi menjadi modal utama untuk sukses mengambil sisi positif perkembangan teknologi.

Profil Dr. Sunu Wibirama:

Sunu Wibirama aktif sebagai peneliti teknologi informasi dan dosen di Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia. Pada tahun 2018, ia dianugerahi oleh Universitas Gadjah Mada sebagai dosen terbaik ketiga di antara kurang lebih 3000 staf dosen di UGM. Pada tahun 2017, ia mendapatkan anugerah Yarsi Researcher Award dari Universitas Yarsi Jakarta sebagai “Runner up of Indonesian Young Researcher in Information Technology”.

Sunu Wibirama aktif mempublikasikan kajian akademis dan praktis di bidang sistem cerdas untuk interaksi manusia-komputer dan analisis pengalaman pengguna teknologi informasi (user experience in IT) di berbagai media nasional dan internasional. Ia juga menjadi tim ahli di berbagai perusahaan media elektronik nasional, serta mengajar di program sarjana dan pascasarjana di Universitas Gadjah Mada. Ia telah mempublikasikan lebih dari 15 artikel ilmiah di berbagai jurnal internasional bereputasi dan menjadi pembicara dengan topik kajian analisis pengalaman pengguna, dampak teknologi informasi, dan teknologi kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence) di lebih dari 60 seminar ilmiah internasional. Profil Sunu Wibirama dapat diakses di:

During 8-10 December 2017, I was invited by my colleagues Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia to deliver keynote speech in Informatics Doctoral Bootcamp 2017. The event was intended to train some faculty members before they apply to a PhD program, either domestic or overseas. I felt that the materials would be useful not only for whom joining the Bootcamp, but also for my blog’s readers. If you find yourself preparing your PhD program, you may find my presentation slides useful:

Head of EEIT Department, Dr. Suharyanto (left) and Dr. Sunu Wibirama (right) with official certificate from Universitas Yarsi, Indonesia.

See also: Official press release in Bahasa Indonesia

Dr. Sunu Wibirama received Yarsi Researcher Award 2017 on April 27th, 2017. The award was given by Vice President of Republic of Indonesia, Bapak H.M. Jusuf Kalla in The 12th Floor of Ar Rahman Auditorium, Universitas Yarsi, Jakarta, Indonesia. Yarsi Researcher Award 2017 was held in the commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Universitas Yarsi. The award was presented to Indonesian scientists in Life Science, Information Technology, and Social & Cultural fields.

Dr. Sunu received Runner Up in Indonesian Young Researcher with Information Technology category. The award was given in regards with research achievement of Dr. Sunu Wibirama. The committee conducted administrative selection during February to March 2017. All participants were asked to submit curriculum vitae, executive summary of their research, and research poster in English. The award was given by considering sustainable research road map, originality of the research, research outcome and product, research publications, intellectual property, potential impact of the research, and oral presentation.

Dr Sunu proposed his recent work on eye tracking application to investigate vertigo disease as a research portfolio to be awarded by Universitas Yarsi.  On April 20th, 2017, Dr. Sunu presented his research portfolio in front of three professors in Universitas Yarsi, Indonesia. The presented research portfolio was regarded as valuable invention to help young medical doctors to analyze vertigo disease by recording and analyzing eye movements. Additionally, the judges considered the presented research to be a unique research as this research is the one and only to be conducted in Indonesia, hence supporting future plan of Indonesian government on national development of information technology for public health.

Note : for whom interested in the presented research, you can find the poster here


Dr. Sunu Wibirama discussed his research plan and promoted research in IT and virtual reality with Mr. Masaaki Kawamoto (Senior Program Officer of The Hitachi Global Foundation) during his visit to Hitachi Global Foundation office on 10th January 2017.

Dr. Sunu Wibirama has been awarded The Hitachi Research Fellowship 2016 for short term research activity in Japan during 10th – 25th January 2017. The research will be conducted in Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan with supervision from Professor Dr. Michiko Ohkura (Head of Ohkura Laboratory and Member of Science Council of Japan). Since 1986, The Hitachi Global Foundation has been awarding more than 190 researchers to promote science and technology. Dr. Sunu is one among twelve researchers from South East Asia countries participating in this prestigious research program for 2016 Japanese Fiscal Year.

This research will be mainly about investigating side-effect of 3D contents in consumer-level virtual reality goggle, Oculus Rift. Virtual reality technology has been used pervasively in Japan, US, and over the world for entertainment, gaming, and educational activities. However, biomedical side effects of bringing 3D content in immersive environment has not been fully understood. Furthermore, some paid VR contents encourage user to even stand up while consuming or playing 3D contents, which may cause severe motion sickness and disorientation. This research will investigate the sickness level of consuming 3D contents in sitting and standing position from subjective and physiological point of view. The result will be useful for end-user to improve awareness on VR technology, as well as for developer of VR contents to develop more user-friendly 3D contents.

More about this research can be found here

  1. Effects of Morning-night Difference and Sleep Deprivation on Situation Awareness and Driving Performance
    Authors: Titis WIJAYANTO, Sunu WIBIRAMA, Zakian Zakaria MARYOTO, Mumtaz Naufal WINADI, Muhammad BAHIT. Conference: IEEE IEEM 2016.
  2. Contrast Enhancement Analysis to Detect Glaucoma Based on Texture Feature in Retinal Fundus Image
    Authors: Gibran Satya NUGRAGA, Indah SOESANTI, Sunu WIBIRAMA.
    Conference: ICENIS 2016.
  3. Extracting Information of Optical Answer Sheet (LJK) Based on Image Processing using Smartphone Camera
    Authors: Erwin Wahyu Ary HERMAWAN, Sunu WIBIRAMA, Agus BEJO
    Conference : ICENIS 2016.

Five papers from our research group will be presented in upcoming three international conferences:

  1. Feature Extraction for Lesion Margin Characteristic Classification from CT Scan Lungs Image” will be presented in ICITISEE 2016  (Yogyakarta, Indonesia).
  2. Real-time Traffic Classification with Twitter Data Mining“,
    Investigation of Visual Attention in Day Night Driving Simulator During Cybersickness Occurrence“, and
    Light Sport Exercise Detection Based on Smartwatch and Smartphone Using k-Nearest Neighbor and Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm” will be presented in ICITEE 2016 (Yogyakarta, Indonesia).
  3. Estimating 3D gaze in physical environment: a geometric approach on consumer-level remote eye tracker” will be presented in ICGIP 2016 (Tokyo, Japan).

More information about the conferences and the papers will be updated soon.


A conference manuscript entitled “Estimating 3D gaze in physical environment: a geometric approach on consumer-level remote eye tracker” has been accepted for presentation in ICGIP 2016. Congratulations for all authors!


[Linkar SOCA Episode 9: Mengenal Eye Tracking: Teknologi dan Implementasi]


Updated, youtube video:

Diskusi FB

Mata adalah salah satu nikmat pemberianNya yang tidak terkira.Dalam dunia ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, analisis gerakan mata bahkan dapat bermanfaat di berbagai bidang dari medis hingga human-interface. Salah satu aplikasi pemanfaatan mata di dunia ilmu komputer adalah “eye-tracking”.

Linkar SOCA [1] Episode 9 kali ini sangat berbahagia bisa mengundang seorang pakar eye tracking sebagai narasumber,
yaitu Bapak Dr. Sunu Wibirama.

Informasi lebih mendalam tentang beliau dapat diperoleh di situs pribadinya di:
Linkar SOCA kali ini insya Allah akan diadakan pada:
Hari/tanggal: Sabtu, 4 Juni 2016
Pukul: 19:00-20:30 WIB (21:00-22:30 JST)
Narasumber: Dr. Sunu Wibirama [2]
Topik: Mengenal Eye-Tracking: Teknologi dan Implementasi

Bagi rekan-rekan semua yang berminat untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari tentang eye-tracking, mari belajar bersama di sini.

Untuk belajar bersama tentang ilmu machine learning atau aplikasi computer vision dan speech recognition lainnya, silakan ikuti episode-episode Linkar SOCA insya Allah setiap bulannya.

Salam Semangat,
Admin SOCA

[1] Tentang Linkar SOCA:
Linkar SOCA dipersembahkan oleh para ilmuwan Indonesia, praktisi, engineer, hobyist yang tinggal di dalam maupun luar negeri yang memiliki latar belakang keilmuan pattern recognition and machine learning, khususnya pada
aplikasi computer vision dan speech recognition.
Salah satu misi kami dalam tutorial online ini adalah untuk membagikan ilmu seluas-luasnya di bidang tersebut agar lebih dapat mudah diakses dan dicerna oleh siapa saja yang meminatinya,
khususnya masyarakat Indonesia. Penyampaian materi dalam Linkar SOCA ini diusahakan sesederhana mungkin, tanpa dibatasi ruang, waktu, dan tanpa biaya (selama terkoneksi dengan internet).
Tentang SOCA dan Linkar SOCA dapat dikenali lebih dekat
[2] Profil singkat
Dosen, internet activist, dan technopreneur di Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
Ph.D , Science and technology, Tokai University, Japan
Master, Electronics, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
Bachelor, Informatics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

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